For most of my life, I’ve been told to wait for The One. The one I would someday meet, who will make all of these lonely nights worth enduring. The one who may not be what I’ve wanted in a spouse...
“I’m really stressed,” my friend Anna* sighed, slumping into her seat opposite me at the cafe. “I need to do well during this probation period, but at the rate my department head keeps...
I was quite the manipulator as a kid. I remember manipulating my cousins to turn against another cousin of mine, Angela. Angela was a very sweet girl, soft-spoken gentle and easygoing … But I...
Let Me love you. Let Me love you. Tears streamed down my face in the dark of the auditorium. The man who had just given me a razor-sharp prophetic word took his hand off my head and moved on to...
I remember the first time I fell in love. It was more than just the cheap euphoria of physical attraction, this time there was a connection on a deep level. I never felt as understood by anyone else...
If only I had more money, I’d be more willing to bless others. If only I were rich, I’d be more generous. That was what I used to think. But here’s a sobering realisation from the Bible: It...
I remember the first time I felt like I was “on fire” for God. I can still recall the colourful lights that danced like birds across the stage. The atmosphere was solemn yet I felt a...
I studied in ACS (Barker Road). Unlike most people, I didn’t find God through Church. Instead, it was purely my time in Anglo Chinese School (ACS), through daily devotions and weekly chapels,...
After completing my Bar Course to become a lawyer, I went through a time of great change. I walked away from the church I grew up in, to consider what my faith meant to me, as well as whether the...