Articles by

Kenneth Chew

Movies & TV

Life lessons from Wonder Woman

WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND! GO WATCH FIRST THEN COME BACK, CAN? Wonder Woman (2017) introduces us to strong fierce Amazonian women who were created by Zeus to restore peace and stability to a war torn...

Real Life, Real People

Scarred by the hand of man, saved by the Hand of God: A pastor’s journey of grace

He was only five when it happened. In those days, young Ian loved watching his father play Chinese Chess with the neighbourhood’s older residents. In fact, he looked solely to his father for...

Real Life, Real People

Bullied into a corner – and there I met grace

I was a late bloomer; as recently as six years ago I lacked assets, to say the least. As you might imagine, I was teased and taunted with all kinds of nasty names. Airport runway. It isn’t a big...


Are we building the kingdom we were meant to?

This is a tale of two kingdoms. But they don’t occupy different territories, nor do patrolled borders lay between them. They are infused but in theory they’re immiscible, incapable of...

Mental Health

The unforced rhythms of grace

Rest: That which stills your body, soul and spirit – whatever releases you momentarily from the pressures of society. It could involve sleep, just chilling with friends over food and drinks, or...

Mental Health

If I don’t show up

Some nights, before I sleep, I browse through my phone calendar. (Not the best way to deal with insomnia, I’ll admit.) I have little reminders set up for almost every day of the month. They...


The danger of anger

I’m sure you’ve felt this way some point in your life. This undeniable boiling, bubbling on the inside; your fists are clenched, muscles tensed, fangs bared and seething with rage....


Politics and faith: If you’re not on the side of the Right, then what’s Left?

In the light of the “political Left’s” reaction to the Trump administration pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement, American conservative blogger Erick Erickson recently...

Mental Health

Please, help me see

I once believed that one day I’d change the world in a good, unselfish, non-superficial way. But real life hit me hard. I was overrun by a deep existential crisis. No, not the kind you feel...