So you want to get married … Are you crazy?! Why would you want to do that? Don’t you know how difficult marriage is? Marriage has been on the decline worldwide. In the US, it is estimated...
It’s a weekend that commemorates both the greatest tragedy and triumph of the Christian faith. To the uninitiated, Easter may be a hard egg to crack when it comes to how we should feel as...
The recent incident involving the imam who was fined $4,000 for making a supplication during a Friday prayer, “Grant us help against the Jews and the Christians”, is a reminder of the strict...
When I was 9, I was molested by my uncle. I was silenced; told not to lie. “Kids will be kids,” they said. When I was 11, I finally stood up to my uncle. I shouted at him to “F***...
Earworm: Songs that stick in your head and get your toes a-tapping and fingers a-drumming. Sometimes you hum the tune out loud. In a quiet office. Just when the boss walks past. I don’t...
At the age of 20, I became one of the youngest leaders in Singapore nominated to sit on the Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC), the decision-making board that governs each Methodist church. I...
I was about 23 years old when I was faced with the most difficult decision of my life. I wasn’t married, but I got pregnant. This was probably the worst thing that could’ve happened to me...
A couple of days ago, I read a comment on social media from a friend whom I first met during my time in a para-church group while in university. He had recently watched Disney’s live-action...
Have you ever seen a plate spinner? A guy sets up a stick, puts a ridiculously fragile plate on top of it and spins the stick, such that the plate on top spins in tandem and stays upright in an...