Articles by

Gabriel Ong

Church Life

Everyone deserves a moment with God: Special needs and the Church

Several years ago, a life group in Hope Church Singapore found itself with four unique cell members – each of whom had special needs. With no experience in caring for people with special needs, a...

Church Life

When the well runs dry

A job hazard for a writer is the fact that I feel like I have to continually draw from the well of my soul. It makes sense as a writer – that’s where you’d think most of the great...

Finding Purpose

I’m right where I should be

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew...

Finding Purpose

You have nothing to be ashamed of

I’m so afraid to write for your people, God. Me? I’m not qualified! I’ve been writing in my diary, journal and Tumblr for years. It’s always been just for me. For instance,...

Real Life, Real People

My fool-time dilemma

I just graduated. My commencement ceremony was just this week. Mortar board, gown and everything. Life awaits! I’ve been shortlisted for a job at a government ministry. This career path offers...

Real Life, Real People

See you soon, Dad

I remember climbing the Great Wall of China with my father in 2009. My sisters and mother were predictably not game enough to ascend the cobbled steps, but we men were always so brave. I led the way...


I’m at my boiling point

I recently graduated, aged 25. My bros and I are at the life stage where things like gainful employment, having found a girlfriend, and engagement are supposed to be on the cards. Speaking as a...