Articles by

Fiona Teh


As a child of divorce, I beg you: Don’t do it

When I sit across the table from someone going through the process of divorce, or whose parents are considering a divorce, it’s hard to find the right words to say.  “You can’t tell me what to...


Our purpose is His pleasure

Do you regret something bad that you did or said recently? What would even make your list of “bad things?” I don’t suppose our lists look the same – everyone holds themselves to...


I just want to be a useful person

I had about 15 seconds to spare as I stood by my kitchen sink, waiting for my water bottle to fill up. It doesn’t take long for my mind to switch to its usual preoccupations. I was thinking of...


In a world of choices, what is the one thing you seek?

As a “borderline millennial” born in the late 80s, I decided to ask my wife – a true millennial – about the way they think. Our conversation flowed into the realm of “sense” and...


Look in the mirror before you look for love

I’m in that life stage where everyone around me is taking turns to walk down the aisle. Meanwhile the only aisle I’ll be walking down anytime soon is the supermarket aisle. I’m not bitter...


Missions under 30: I’m a millennial and I’m not bored

I wonder how many people think that millennials are bored in church? Or unwilling to go on mission trips? Think of us as spoilt or fragile, but don’t write us off just yet. I’m a millennial and...


Don’t just be a nice person

“Why would I do that for someone at my own cost?” Suppose such a thought filled your mind one day: “What if I wrote a bunch of encouraging messages and gave it out to strangers?” Or you...


I was born blind, but now I see

Was it just going to be another day at this lonely corner, trying to avoid the authorities and hoping to receive enough sympathy to fill my stomach for the next few hours? These were the thoughts I...


Empowered for a purpose

The illustration used in the video was adapted from a sermon by Pastor Michael Strickland from The Cove Church. TWO NATURES “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of...