Articles by

Fiona Teh


Sex and marriage: Does living the way you want really bring true freedom?

One of the greatest misconceptions that young people are tempted to believe today is that freedom is choosing how you want to define yourself. That freedom is having the capacity to live according to...


Has Christianity become too convenient?

“Some people will choose not to return to church, instead choosing the god of comfort.” I heard a guest pastor say something to that effect some weeks back during an online meeting, with...


The Blessing: Have you heard these creative covers yet?

It’s been more than a month since UK churches started the ball rolling with their cover of The Blessing โ€“ a song you must have heard at least one version of by now. The global hit was written...


Dear 2020 graduate, you’re more than a job-search machine

If you’re in the Class of 2020, you’re probably experiencing an extreme learning curve right off the bat. Youโ€™re entering the job market โ€“ or rethinking your pursuit of higher degrees...


Ravi Zacharias, the man whose second chance at life helped him to face death

Though we mourn the loss of the man who blazed a trail in Christian apologetics in our time, we can be grateful that we will still get to learn from his gentle demeanour and precise words that will...


Celebrating mums in the Bible who struggled, just like us

When my colleague raised the brilliant idea of looking to mums in the Bible as we celebrate Mother’s Day, I didn’t think it was going to go this way.ย  But reviewing the list of women I...


COVID-19: Don’t forget the freelancers

Young adults, our adulting quest just got super real.ย  For many of us, not only is this coronavirus market crash our first brush with a financial crisis as members of the workforce, it’s also...


Young and brave: Who were the missionaries who founded our schools?

It’s been 200 years since Sir Stamford Raffles arrived on our shores. When we celebrated our bicentennial in 2019, we remembered how the founder of modern Singapore opened the door for...


The untold stories behind our favourite Christmas carols

Do you have a favourite Christmas carol?ย  In medieval times, the word “carol” referred to a circle dance accompanied with singing. According to this BBC article, it wasn’t until...