Articles by

Fiona Teh


There is a remedy for that guilt you’re feeling

My wife and I have a friend who has lost an arm due to polio. She described for us a phenomenon called “phantom pain” which occurs in many amputees. Even though the arm or leg is already...


Lessons from a young leader at my first Pastors’ Prayer Summit

Were you at Day of His Power or PraySingapore in 2018? The two prayer meetings organised by unity movement LoveSingapore drew a combined crowd of almost 40,000 people. Some 9,000 gathered at the...


Being broken is a blessing

“God creates out of nothing. Therefore, until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him,” said Martin Luther. The greatest blessing we can experience is brokenness. The world...


What does good leadership look like?

“Everything rises or falls on leadership.” It’s an axiom that bears repeating – because we forget. “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they...


What does 2019 hold for the Church in Singapore?

What new chapters will the Church in Singapore write this year? In this we include not just the hundreds of churches in the nation, but also Christian organisations and missions agencies who together...


What if every year is the worst year ever?

If you’ve done a search for the “worst year ever”, you might’ve read about year 536. I quote: “It started when a mysterious fog swept over the continent (of Europe), veiling the sun in...


What if my Christmas isn’t merry?

In the last two years, a few of us have attempted to give voice and expression to some of the dilemmas and lesser-mentioned feelings that we experience around Christmas. Here are some examples:...


3 things to review when you’re frustrated

“If everyone seems to be getting on your nerves these days
 you might have a nerve problem.” Said in jest, of course. I once heard someone give this piece of advice: Do a slow count...


Power and Love 2018: Getting schooled by Todd White on signs and wonders

“Miracles aren’t a validation of how powerful we are.” The man with the signature blonde dreadlocks in front of us had a simple agenda over the last three days: To show the world that Jesus...