Articles by

Fiona Teh

Real Life, Real People

Women hooked on porn: Not just a men’s problem

“That’s the day I gave up.” She had been waiting for someone to find out about her habit of watching pornography, so that she could get help. She just needed someone to ask her:...


How to tell someone about God without being afraid

If you’ve been following us on Instagram, you’d know we recently asked for reasons why folks find it hard to evangelise or share the Gospel. To sum up the responses: It looks like many of...


What are you filling your life with?

The truth is each of us needs to be filled up. While growing up, we’re being filled with the opinions of man, which I’m illustrating with ping pong balls today. When our lives –...


Nobody cares about your Good News

Is that how we feel? Let’s first parse the Good News: That Jesus Christ died for our sins, overcame death and attained the perfect standard of God for those who will trust in Him – eternal...


Have you wrestled with healing yet?

At some point, we will grapple with what we think about physical healing – if not for our own, then for someone else’s. “Do we pray for healing? How do we pray? How do we know if God...


Monster father: The wretched nature of sexual assault

Four days ago, a 27-year-old man in Singapore was sentenced to 25.5 years in jail and 24 strokes of the cane for prostituting his wife and sexually abusing his young daughter and niece.   Heavy on...

Money Matters

Budget 2019: Who can we open wide our hand to this year?

When we think of this significant speech that takes place around the same time every year, naturally we anticipate the goodies that will be given out. A hongbao is always welcome.  Delivered by...


3 guiding principles in hearing God’s voice

“Guidance is basically; hearing God’s voice and obeying it. The ultimate goal of guidance is conforming to Jesus Christ and not just specific instructions. Therefore, we can say that the...

Movies & TV

Storm Boy: We get by with a little help from each other

“I just want to quit the rat race and move to a cabin in the woods, a cave, or a secluded island – anywhere.” I don’t know what you feel about the word “adulting”, but...