Articles by

Eunice Chin

Real Life, Real People

National School Games: My season was wrecked by injuries, but God gave me a miracle

My first year of Junior College was when I began training for pole vault – a completely new sport after ten years of table tennis and six years of running middle-long distances. It was something...


Wanna be a good neighbour? Practise these 4 Ms to bless your community

What does it mean to be a good neighbour? The word “neighbour” is often used in the Bible, especially in passages relating to how we should treat other people around us. In the Old Testament,...

Church Life

The last man standing in cell group

There are games in which we wouldn’t mind being the last man standing, like king of the hill or hide-and-seek. But what if it’s cell group we’re talking about? Undeniably, that would be...


3 ways to break our bubbles of privilege

When I mention the word “bubble”, what do you picture? Real bubbles made of soap floating peacefully in the air?  Lately, I have been thinking of a different kind of bubble. The dictionary...


Does God still speak to us through dreams?

We’ve all had dreams we’ve wondered about. Some dreams are quite clear in their meaning. For instance, dreaming about failing your examinations is likely an extension of the fear and...


Should the average Christian study biblical Hebrew or Greek?

Have you ever considered learning the languages the Bible was originally written in? After all, it wasn’t written in English — almost the entire Old Testament was originally written in...


What does the Bible say about dreams?

The Bible contains many accounts of people with dreams, both literal and otherwise. Today, let’s look at five of them for lessons we can glean, starting with perhaps the most famous dreamer of...


It wasn’t “happily ever after” when I said yes to missions in Timor

Why missions, why Timor? I experienced a major turning point three years ago when the Lord miraculously delivered me from a dark season of my life. My response to this deliverance was, “Lord,...


The Thirst Collective reads… Numbers

Through 2024, every member of the Thirst Collective –, Salt&Light, Stories of Hope, 还好吗, Living Room, Collective Studio – has committed to reading the Bible from...