As Antioch Summit 2024 came to a close, two key initiatives were spotlighted: 1361 and Antioch Campus.

1361 is a training programme that offers personalised support for those who are committed to exploring medium-term missions for one month, three months, six months or up to a year. The next run of five sessions will be taking place from 21-24 November.

Antioch Campus is a six-month programme specifically for young people seeking to explore their calling in missions. It is a six-month-long equipping journey, with monthly sessions among a missional community, designed to help young people understand the heart of God.

While these initiatives each offer a unique approach to missions and serve different groups of people, both share the same core mission of empowering individuals to fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).


Launched in 2023, the core aim of 1361 is to provide spiritual and practical guidance to those stepping into missions. Christy, a core team member behind 1361, noted that many missionaries feel very alone, especially when navigating the challenges of preparation and deployment. 

1361’s organisers are also clear that these trainings are done in partnership with the local church: Antioch21 seeks to work collaboratively with local churches to ensure that mission workers receive comprehensive support throughout their journey.

The late Joseph Chean, who founded this initiative, summed it up nicely: “We are not here to replace the local church.” 


1361 emphasises the importance of cultivating a strong and supportive sending community. This involves organising prayer groups, securing financial backing and establishing crucial networks to offer guidance and assistance throughout the missionary’s journey.

Participants will also gain valuable skills in managing the practical dimensions of mission work, such as personal well-being, member care, budgeting and fostering relationships with ministry partners. 

In addition to these foundational elements, the program emphasises the importance of integrating silence and solitude into the mission experience. This practice fosters a deeper intimacy with the Lord and encourages participants to intentionally listen for His voice.

This holistic approach ensures that participants are fully prepared to navigate both the spiritual and logistical aspects of their mission endeavours.

The next session is scheduled to run from November 21-24 this year. If you are unable to attend this year, rest assured that there will be additional opportunities to join the program in the future!

Antioch Campus

For those who are at the beginning of their mission journey, Antioch Campus is an ideal starting point. 

This mission mobilisation programme was built from the ground up by four university students, and is now a missions community that welcomes young people seeking to explore their missionary calling.

Specifically, the programme is open to three main groups:

  1. Young adults preparing to enter university
  2. University students
  3. Those who have recently begun their careers

This six-month programme allows participants to discern and deepen their relationship with God, before diving into why God has called Singapore to serve the nations. 

“We will come together as a community to seek the Lord through prayer and worship,” says Jethro, one of the programme facilitators.

Antioch Campus’ programmes are designed to help young people understand what missions really demand of us today, and provide a space to discover where God is calling us to serve.

The program will run from August 2025 to January 2026, including a short-term mission trip that will give participants hands-on experience in the mission field.

Look out for the registration link that will be released early next year!

Take a first step

If you’ve been thinking about missions but are unsure of where to begin, perhaps now is the time to take that first step of faith. 

Start small. Embrace the journey by taking things one step at a time, trusting that God will equip you along the way. As Jethro encourages, “It takes small steps of simple obedience.” 

Whether you’re considering short-term mission experiences or seeking to invest in medium-term missions, both 1361 and Antioch Campus offer great opportunities to begin your missional journey.

These initiatives are designed not just to prepare you spiritually and practically, they will also serve to bring you into a community of like-minded believers committed to saying “yes” to God’s call. Will you consider taking your first step? 

For more information about 1361 and/or Antioch Campus, or to register for upcoming sessions, click here. If you would like to receive the latest updates on these initiatives, click here to join the Antioch21 Telegram channel.