A cross-church, non-denominational worship event is set to be held across three universities in Singapore.
Named “Permission To Dream” (PTD), the event will be held at the National University of Singapore (NUS) on Jan 10, Singapore Management University (SMU) on Jan 11, and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on Jan 12.
According to the SMU Facebook event page, Permission To Dream is a “declaration to the devil that Christ is coming for one bride. One church. Satan has no rule in our schools. Our schools are Jesus’.”
“Permission To Dream hopes to remind us how God has a dream and wraps a person around it,” the organisers from SMU added in a separate post.
For the events, teams have been formed in each of the universities, comprising people from different churches, denominations and groups, united in the cause of bringing worship into their schools.
Said the organisers: “What if God wants to give us the permission to dream. To step out. To embrace Him fully. No more walls. No more titles. Let’s stop playing games with God. If you have a desire to see the Lord move mighty in one body, join us on Jan 10 to 12.”
- NUS: Tuesday, Jan 10, 7.30pm, Yale-NUS Performance Hall
- SMU: Wednesday, Jan 11, 7.30pm, School of Law B1-09
- NTU: Thursday, Jan 12, 6.30pm, TCT LT
According to the programme provided on the SMU Facebook event page, the programme, set to last two hours, will include worship, testimonies, sharing and prayer.

SMU already has 45 signed up to go, with another 34 interested to attend. The event page also contains uplifting testimonies tagged #permissiontodreamsg and #ADifferentLUVE, and are well worth a read.