
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.


The girl (still) without the husband: A Valentine’s Day story

It took three events to make this story happen: new heartbreak, old heartbreak, and a meme. All within the span of a month. I don’t need to over-explain the first two, the former being a fresh...


What if I’m not being spiritually fed in church? What if the sermons don’t speak to me?

This question about the pulpit is an important one for many believers, so we put together a panel full of passionate preachers to tackle it: Rev Dr. Chris Chia (Adam Road Presbyterian Church) Rev...


Leaving my anxiety behind

Trigger warning: This article contains mention of self-harming and suicide. “Poly life is gonna be so much better, Weixin.” That was what my secondary school counsellor told me. Growing up as a...

Real Life, Real People

Learning how to love my family: How God turned things around in my home

Growing up, I relished weekend outings with my family. We made trips to Malaysia and amusement parks. The most memorable was to a farm where I fed the goats and complained about the stench. But all...

Mental Health

Feeling like a failure through my twenties, I found breakthroughs in becoming a teacher

In my early twenties, I experienced what I hope to be the worst ever episode in my life. I could not hold down a job, I faced immense social anxiety and I struggled with my mental health. Making...


Roe vs Wade: Unpacking the issue of abortion

For 49 years, the US protected abortion as a constitutional right. All this changed on June 24, with the overturning of the landmark Roe vs Wade ruling by the Supreme Court. The implication of this...

Mental Health

Navigating choppy waters: An athlete’s battle with anxiety

When I was growing up, my mum put a lot of pressure on me, being the first-born and all. I guess that made me feel like she was a tiger mum. There were a lot of things in my life, like piano and...


Gambling nearly destroyed our family: How I forgave my dad

My father was a successful businessman, until he gambled all his earnings away, embezzled company funds and landed himself in jail. He worked round the clock to pay off his debts after his release,...

How-tos & Handles

Help! How do I journey with a “difficult” person?

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you had to deal with someone difficult? In most cases, our instinct would be to walk away from people that we can’t handle. But what if this...