I’d finally climbed out of a deep pit in my life, where I had decided to hide for the longest time. I looked up and I saw Him at the edge of the pit; He was helping me back up.

So I climbed out, emerging into the open air, and I never felt so vulnerable. I was scared, but I also knew God didn’t bring me this far to leave me here. I knew He wouldn’t leave me where I was now (Philippians 1:6).

Still, some days I can’t help but feel my fleshly side is winning out. It’s so strong, it seems nothing can change it. But that’s the way the Enemy wants us to feel.

God tells me to fear not, and put my trust in Him. He will help us through it all. It is to Him that we pray, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:13)

I’ve not felt whole for the longest time. I spent a long time in pain. I was drowning in my fears and insecurities.

But during one Sunday service, I decided to join a cell group in my church. It wasn’t a comfortable move for me at all but a little voice inside my heart told me I had to do it.

At the end of the group meeting, we had to be paired up and pray for each other before we go off. I was paired up with a girl called Michelle. When she was praying for me, she said, “God loves you”.

In that moment, I felt His warmth and presence surround me.

I was dead, and God resurrected me. What can’t he do? He heals, He carried me up again and restored my soul (Mark 5:41).

I thought that as a young adult now, I should be able to solve everything, But I wasn’t as strong as I thought, I was fraying with each passing day.

But every time, He picked me up, reminding me that although I can’t, He can and He will, because He loves me (Isaiah 43:4).

When I feel that everything is taking a turn for the worse again, I calm myself down, look up and speak this over my troubled soul: God is always with me.

He is by our side, ready to help in the big and small things of this life. Do not be afraid (Psalms 121:7).

So today, I say the same prayer for you: God loves you. God loves you very much.