
Your search for "cancer" yielded 154 results.


As the world battled COVID-19, our baby was fighting for her life

Shortly after Ona was born, she was brought to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) when the doctor detected she had breathing issues. They later discovered that she had a cleft palate. It was...


12 years with Seets: What I’ve learnt from this feisty chilli padi

About 12 years ago, I was invited to a Christmas party. At the time, I was living overseas, but I was in Singapore for my break and had no Christmas plans. What I didn’t realise was that I’d meet...


A Better Ting: Seets is Home with her great Love

In early 2020, friends and strangers alike rejoiced when See Ting, better known as Seets, was declared cancer-free following her mastectomy and the completion of her treatment. She had been diagnosed...


“God, have mercy on us all”: Lessons from Ravi Zacharias’ fall

I was never a big Ravi Zacharias fan, not because I didn’t like the guy, but simply because I never really got to know his work. I just understood him as the brilliant Indian apologist on YouTube...


It’s okay to cry. Jesus did

When was the last time you heard an entire sermon on Lamentations? On the second day of the LoveSingapore Pastors’ Summit 2021, Reverend Keith Lai preached a stirring message from a book of the...


It took a mango-sized tumour to shatter my illusion of a perfect life

In early 2017, I injured my lower back. I couldn’t even stand up without pain or a severe hunch. The doctor referred me for physiotherapy which was where I learnt that an x-ray had showed an...


A letter to my children: Lessons from 2020 that we must never forget

To my dear daughters, 2020 has been an extraordinary year. Never before in the history of Singapore have we witnessed a pandemic upending our lives on such a scale. It all started from a cluster of...


How to usher in the new year when the whole world is so tired

I’ll say it upfront – I didn’t expect 2020 to end like this. And perhaps the same goes for you too. 2020 was beyond heavy on many fronts. The year of perfect vision crumbled as soon as it...


Our favourite stories of the year

2020 was an absolute whirlwind of a year. We’ve honestly barely had a moment to catch our breath as a team, but we thought it was still important that we look back as a team on all the stories...