
Your search for "O-levels" yielded 43 results.


Stepping into 2020 as a new Christian

I accepted Christ last year on May 11, 2019, which makes me a spiritual “baby” if you think about it. But through these months, I have experienced God in many areas of my life. I used to...

Studies & NS

What’s next after Os? A letter to my 16-year-old self

Dear Sam, Congrats, I guess! All those months of hard work have unfortunately not given you what you wanted but hey, at least itโ€™s time to close this chapter. As people were cheering and comparing...

Real Life, Real People

At last I see the light

I was probably five or six when I first knew him. As a kid, you donโ€™t exactly remember how people come into your life. One day they just do, and you simply become aware of their existence even if...


Mum and Dad reconciled: The Christmas gift I always wanted

2009. I remember that year very clearly. I was in my O-Levels year, and my dad had undergone emergency heart surgery at a private hospital. In the aftermath of that, we were facing an unresolved...


Enjoy the Process: Krysta Joy on finding purpose, good tunes and redemption

Winner of 2017โ€™s edition of the Noise Music Mentorship Programme, singer-songwriter Krysta Joy released her debut album, Enjoy the Process, in August 2019. We have a chat with the Burning Hearts...


Flying again: Jean Tan on defying pain and darkness

Travelling the world and releasing her newest single Fly, Jean Tan appears to be living a great life on the surface. By 2015, the singer-songwriter had performed live at both the National Stadium and...


A letter to my fellow O-Level peers

It never made sense to me why many stories in the Bible always revolved around battles. Surely, God wasn’t advocating war? Furthermore, how would stories of combat, rocks and slings find its...


My season of waiting changed me

Seasons of waiting are the toughest. Is this it? When will this come through for me? What does God want me to do? How long more must I wait? Growing up, I’ve always known what I wanted to do:...

Studies & NS

My season as a student is ending. What have I done?

It’s really startling to me that after 13 years, I’m finally at the tail end of my life as a student.ย  After studying for my PSLE, O-Levels and polytechnic diploma, I now wait to receive...