
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.


Are you a digital missionary? Make these 3 shifts in mindset

On the outside, Katie seemed to have many things — a prosperous career at a global investment bank, a privileged social circle and a group of close friends. But on the inside, she felt empty and...


Let it out before you burn out

Our yard flooded a few times during the recent rainy season. The water was inches from both our front and back doors.  So, I decided to get hold of a pump to get rid of the water, sending it through...


Behind The Paycheque: Can gaming be a godly career?

Have you seen gamers rage? Cooped up in their rooms for hours at end? Flared up when things don’t go their way? It isn’t a stretch to say that the gaming community doesn’t have a...


Toxic workplace? Here’s what toxicity means and how to respond

What should we do if we experience injustice or ill treatment at work? First, we could reflect on our own actions. Find out from colleagues whom we can trust what they think about our situation or...


What no one warned you about marriage: Couples on dating, divorce, sex and porn

It was a night of earnest questions from engaged couple Salt&Light writer Gracia Lee, 25, and her fiancé Joel Seah, 29, a lawyer. In the last instalment of Salt&Light Family Night for 2021,...

Money Matters

Scammed of almost $150,000 and weighed down by 8 bank debts, I started life anew

More than three years ago, I was involved in a scam case when a person made use of my kindness. After establishing an online friendship with me, he tried to sweet-talk me over the next few weeks....


Feel like giving up? Here are 3 things you can do, says Rev Edmund Chan

The 51-year-old captain and his 28-year-old first officer were on Avianca Flight 52 from Bogota, Colombia, to New York City on January 25, 1990. But the flight never landed at its destination. It...


Wanna bring someone to Christ? Here’s what YWAM did

Despite being a talkative extrovert, I’ve always struggled to share the gospel. I’m not ashamed of my faith, it’s just that evangelism has never been one of my strong points. I struggle...


So you got your O-Level results… now what?

Today’s the day: O-Level results are released and destinies are decided. Or are they? Given that this can be a confusing and tumultuous time, we’ve prepared a handy roadmap to help you navigate...