
Your search for "mental health" yielded 336 results.

Mental Health

After years of eating disorders, I struggled to conceive my first child

I didn’t struggle with my body through most of my younger years. As a badminton player who represented my school, I was very muscular, especially in my lower limbs, from the sheer amount of...

Surveys & Reports

Strong and silent: A dying breed of men

I came across some shocking statistics regarding suicides in Singapore a few days ago. Here are three key figures: The number of suicides in Singapore rose by 10% last year  19 boys between 10 and...

Mental Health

My journey through grief, guilt and self-harm

In 2016, I went through something I never expected – losing my dad to brain cancer. At the time, I really thought that my dad would be fully healed. But he wasn’t, and I lost him. His death...


When I tried so hard but didn’t succeed

I remember feeling lost and frustrated with God. As I was coming towards the end of my National Service (NS) last year, the question of “what’s next?” surfaced as I saw all my peers...

Mental Health

7 years of eating disorder: Self-hatred ate me up from the inside

In the thick of pubertal weight gain and pimples galore at the age of 12, I was ridden with shame about the way I looked. My parents would scold me for refusing to enter stores to try on new clothes;...

Money Matters

Learning to be content

Since we were in school, we’ve always been told to have a goal in mind – to think about our future careers. These goals serve as motivation for us to push harder. We work tirelessly in...


21project in Hawaii: This summer could change your life

I still stand by this conviction two years later: 21project changed my life. Relatively unknown on our little Southeast Asian island back in 2017, the six-day youth training school made quite the...

Mental Health

Anxious and depressed, I overdosed on drugs and fell unconscious for 2 days

I know the exact moment I was marked by Christ. It happened three years ago, when I was serving in disaster relief in Japan. God spoke 1 Corinthians 9:22 over my life – I am to be “all things...

Mental Health

He is fighting for you

In the past, my whole life was filled with insecurities and inadequacies. Whenever negative thoughts overwhelmed me, I wouldn’t know what to do other than cry my lungs out. A day came when...