At first glance, this verse might leave us thinking that we are not to judge others at all.

But later in the chapter, we see Jesus telling believers to identify false prophets by looking at their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20). Surely that requires an element of judging and discerning?

So what exactly is Jesus calling out here? It’s not the act of judging, but a judgmental spirit.

Having a judgmental spirit makes one arrogant and self-righteous. It causes us to notice and call out the worst in others while ignoring their good – even as we are blinded to our own flaws and imperfections.

Jesus calls us not to be judgmental, but to judge rightly (John 7:24). He calls for judgement that is kind and fair because we ourselves will be judged by the measure that we use on others. 

Is there someone you have been judgemental towards? Take some time to repent and seek restoration today.