First of all, let me express my most sincere gratitude and pass over thanks from my parents and friends for the care and prayers.
In our situation, it’s the best you guys could have done and have been doing for us, knowing the power of a prayer.
Many Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers testified that they experienced the most amazing supernatural empowerment and inspiration, as if God’s hands literally averted the bullets and missiles.
That itself is the greatest evidence of divine intervention.

Now, no civilian wanted this war though some had anticipated it for a while.
The same goes to my Russian friends who are similarly devastated, as the backlash from the world’s hatred has started affecting their daily lives.
I guess, the best thing we can do is try our best to remain humans and treat each other like we did for so many centuries: Brotherly nations with common ethnic roots, shared centuries-long history of losses and victories, and, first and foremost, infinite respect and mutual love, as most of us share family bonds with Russian and Belarusian citizens.
We all want this war to be over as soon as possible before more lives are destroyed and more apartment buildings where people are still dwelling are ruined.
Obviously, we can only guess why God permitted this military activity to happen in 2022.
Ultimately, it is a time of change, and plenty of my fellow citizens are praying for courage for our Russian brothers and sisters in their public protests against the reign of their current government.
Lots of people believe that the Head of the State does not even realise the depth of corruption and power abuse in Russia today.
We hope and pray that with a change of political regime, the truce and true brotherhood between the nations of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will be restored.
Big changes sometimes require big sacrifices, yet our prayer is for lives to be spared and for dignity to be restored.

Currently, my sister and I are stuck in Kyiv.
It’s a quiet district but there’s almost no way for us to reach the train station to flee the city: The downtown areas we ought to pass through are too dangerous, and neither of us has a driving licence.
There has been a significant temperature drop outside and it’s snowing. Hundreds of thousands of people seeking refuge are stuck at the international borders of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
I pray that they’ve got both warm clothes and a place to hide from the cold.

We are stuck in a loop of uncertainty: Shall we stay? Shall we try to flee? What’s there to expect should the city be besieged?
Personally, I am staying back in order to continue working remotely, as I need a solid internet connection as a teacher.
I lost the rest of my individual students I had been tutoring as soon as the war started, as they can’t afford to continue our studies at the moment due to various reasons.
Our major prayer request at the moment would be for the war to be over immediately.
I am the only person with an income, and I am trying not to lose it as we have got no idea how long the war is going to last.
Luckily, the satellite reception as well as the internet connection is stable enough, the stores’ supplies have been refilled recently, there’s running water and the central heating is on.
I am struggling with what feels like a tsunami of guilt when thinking that there are literally people who are dying right now, some 5-10 miles away from our shelter, while I am grieving my ruined vacation plans, the loss of additional income and the fact that my favourite clothes might be left behind.
I am utterly horrified at the mere prospect of losing my job and of the day when my contract with the current school expires.
But these little things keep all of us sane, anchored to the reality we still struggle to accept: The reality in which tanks are running around the city and we ought to sleep next to the door just in case things get worse bombing-wise.

Our major prayer request at the moment would be for the war to be over immediately.
Pray that mothers and wives will be able to greet their sons and husbands, give them a hug, a kiss, share a smile and never again be separated.
Pray that the Lord our God Almighty would reveal His glory and turn this mess we are in into something beautiful, liberating, exuberant and life-giving – something many generations will remember in awe.
Take a moment to lift up the people of Ukraine before God. Pray for peace, protection and healing in the land. Pray for justice and deliverance.