If you’re between the ages 18 and 35, that’s a wonderful stage in life to be at!
But for me, I wasn’t very happy when I was younger. The first reason was because I didn’t do well in school. I spent five years – instead of three – in high school and I didn’t even graduate!
Apart from my studies, my health was suffering too. I fell ill all the time and was asthmatic. My girlfriend also left me. I just couldn’t do anything right and I was so unhappy.
Later, I did Chinese Studies in university. “What’s a boy doing, studying Chinese?” My brother questioned me about what I was going to do in the future. I didn’t know either.
After my graduation and service in the army, I really felt that I couldn’t see much of a future for myself. What should I do?

But I thank God that I came to know him for real when I was about 20.
My father was a pastor, so I grew up in church. Even before I could walk, I was already crawling in church. But I only really truly came to know Jesus Christ when I was 20. In that process of knowing Him, faith and salvation weren’t just a family tradition anymore.
After I really knew God, I told Him: “God, I really don’t know how to go on in life.” But I believed that what was impossible for me was possible in Him, so I told God: “I believe You have a glorious plan for my life and I pray that you’ll walk with me on this journey of life.”
But I believed that what was impossible for me was possible in Him.
When I held my life in my own hands, I made a mess out of it. No matter how I tried to make things right – my relationships, my health, my studies – nothing worked.
But when I placed my life in the hands of the Lord, he brought me on a journey I never expected. I never expected that my life could turn out the way it did. I became a news presenter, a variety show host, a theatre screenwriter and a director. These were dreams I had as a child and God turned it into reality for me.
What’s even more special is that I never once thought of becoming a preacher, but the Lord brought me on a path I’d never once imagined.

I’m 62 today, twice your age if you’re 31 this year! And as I look back at my life, I’m filled with gratitude.
If I had a ball in my hand and that ball represented my life – a young Kou Shao-en would have changed it with anyone who wanted it. I would rather have been anyone else than Kou Shao-en because it’d be better.
But if I had that same ball representing my life in my hand today, I wouldn’t want to trade it with anyone. I’m very grateful because God has tailor-made this life just for me.
There is abundant hope for this life when we walk in the Lord.
This article was adapted from a backstage interview with Reverend Kou Shao-en during the Celebration of Hope (COH). A former TV host, the Taiwanese pastor was the main speaker for the Abundance of Hope rally on May 18, 2019. Watch our highlight video to catch more action from COH.
18 到 35 岁真是一个好年龄,那是一个很棒的一个人生阶段。
不快乐是因为第一,书念得不好, 功课不好。在台湾高中只要念3年,我念了5年而且没有毕业,我还是拿同等学历去考大学的。
我后来念了华文,就是大学念中文系。一个男生年华文,我的哥哥说“男生念华文,你将来要干什么?” 我也不知道我将来要做什么。

真的认识神之后,我就跟上帝说:“上帝啊,我真的不知道我前面的路该怎么走。但是我相信在我不能,在神凡事都能。 我相信祢对我的一生有一个荣耀的计划,我求祢带我走人生的路。”
- Have you ever wanted to trade your life with somebody else?
- What made you want that?
- Would you dare to trust Jesus Christ for a brand new adventure?