Over the National Day season, many of our churches had block pastoring or community weekends, where we spent time serving and connecting with our neighbours.
On August 8 and 9, we even gathered for Day of His Power (DOHP) to conclude the 40.Day prayer season this year. But now that we have enjoyed that long weekend, sang the NDP songs and watched the fireworks, what’s next?
If we simply return to our daily routines without changing anything in our lives, the 40.Day prayer season would have been for nothing. We would have simply gone through 40 devotionals without allowing the Word to bring transformation into our lives.
Therefore, instead of losing momentum, here are three things that we should normalise as a part of our lives even when we’re not in a season of prayer.

1. Prayer
Many of us struggled to keep up with the devotions and prayers even during the 40.Day prayer season. That shows that many of us still struggle with prayer as a spiritual habit.
No condemnation though – if you have made any effort at all to try and establish a spiritual habit during those 40 days, good job! We are all on a journey of growing in our prayer life, and any progress should be celebrated.
Just don’t drop the ball! Continue to bring prayer into your daily habits and routines. Get your cell group to pray together, start a prayer journal, set an alarm to remind yourself to pray at a specific time… do anything to keep the engine running.
As Pastor Edric Sng said, “If we can’t be natural prayer warriors, then we will have to become intentional prayer warriors.”
Pray unceasingly, for this is God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).

2. Evangelism
Through block pastoring and serving the community, we have also caught a better glimpse of the needs of the community and the neighbours around us.
We have seen how some elderly in our neighbourhood long for company and community, how some kids really enjoy playing with one another, and how some families are really in need of practical help.
The last thing we want, is that we only do this once a year.
While we can retreat to the comfort of our own homes and enjoy the holiday after our block pastoring, we need to realise that those in need won’t have the option of taking a break from their problems.
The loneliness, helplessness, purposelessness… these are the realities of people’s lives. We need to stay out of our Christian bubbles and continue to bring love and the Gospel to them through the year.
So, let’s not forget to love our neighbours even as we love God (Matthew 22:37-39). And don’t just do it once a year.

3. Unity
During DOHP, we gave thanks and celebrated the unity of the churches in Singapore. We gathered at different churches across Singapore. We saw believers of different denominations, different churches, and different generations attending and leading the meeting together.
Don’t you wish to see such unity of the churches more often?
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:3-6)

In order to fulfil the Great Commission, we need to be united in our mission instead of fighting with one another about our differences.
Share resources across churches where possible. Exchange ideas where possible. Collaborate where possible.
When we are willing to function as different parts of one Body, initiatives like LoveSingapore, LoveTimor and LoveJapan can happen. We will be able to bring the Gospel to the lost more effectively, both in Singapore and in the nations.
Would we be united in one faith and one spirit, so that we can see more souls saved and God’s will done on this earth?