Nine locations. More than 9,000 believers.
But united as one Church. One Body of Christ. One people. One voice. Crying out to the one God.

It was a cry of thanksgiving. We thanked God for the peace, prosperity and people in our country.
It was a cry of unity. We gave thanks and prayed for the unity of the Body of Christ in Singapore, especially on a day when we got to gather across churches and denominations.
It was a cry of hope. We asked for peace and wisdom from the Holy Spirit even as the world goes through challenging and confusing times.
It was a cry of surrender. We offered ourselves to be consecrated as God’s vessels, to be used by God for His Kingdom and His glory.
It was a cry of faith. We interceded and prayed for more souls in the nations to be saved.
It was a cry of God’s people, united as one Church to pray for Singapore and the nations beyond.
With two additional prayer centres added this year, Day of His Power (DOHP) 2024 saw many more believers gathering to pray for Singapore.
But beyond the numbers, there was also a greater sense of unity and urgency to pray for our nation as one Body.
Echoing the three strategic thrusts that Pastor Jeff Chong (Chairman of LoveSingapore, Senior Pastor of Hope Singapore) shared last year, the prayers for DOHP this year also dived deeper into each of these three focuses.
Turning Singapore Godward
Believers were first led to a place of self-reflection and repentance. This is because we need to first make sure that we actually believe that God will turn Singapore Godward.

In a video played at all prayer centres, Pastor Edric Sng (Editor of, Salt&Light, 还好吗, Stories of Hope) emphasised the importance for every believer to obeythe Great Commission.
He explained that we are not trying to achieve a sales target, but a souls target. We want to fill our churches with new believers and turn Singapore Godward simply because God desires for every soul to be saved.
Winning The Youth
Youth pastors, youth workers and youths were also asked to step forward to be specifically prayed for in some centres.

Even as more complicated and challenging issues fall on the younger generation, we need to recognise that this is spiritual warfare as our young people are essentially the future of the Church and the nation.
It takes the whole Church to raise a generation. That’s why all believers across generations took time to intercede and pray for the next generation – for the youths to find the answers to life in God, as well as for the Church to be a place where they can experience God’s love and encounter God.
Blessing The Nations
The prophetic term “Antioch of Antiochs” was given to Singapore by the late Pastor Rick Seaward.
Singapore is meant to stand in the gap for the nations – we are called to send out missionaries to the nations, and to help them to eventually do the same for other nations.
The third key focus for the night was to intercede for the nations. From praying for more harvest workers, to more open doors in different parts of the world, believers were reminded in prayer that everyone has a part to play when it comes to missions.

Not all of us can go into the nations immediately. But there are definitely things that are within our reach – be it praying or giving to missions.
The key thing is that we must catch God’s heart for the nations, for His desire is for more souls to be saved so that none shall perish.
The time is now!
As Pastor Jeff addressed the believers across all centres in his closing video for the 40.Day prayer season, he emphasised that the three strategic focuses are from God, and hence can only be achieved through God.
“No matter how amped up we may feel towards Turning Singapore Godward, Winning The Youth, and Blessing The Nations, unless God is in it, our best works are in vain,” he affirmed.

“No amount of human effort alone can produce an ounce of spiritual fruit. “We need God. We need to seek God’s help, wisdom, guidance and strength in prayer.”
Even as the 40.Day prayer season this year comes to an end, will you continue to keep our nation and these prayer pointers in your prayer?

The time is now to Turn Singapore Godward. The time is now to Win The Youth. The time is now to Bless The Nations.
And the time is definitely now to pray together!