Who is this Jesus we talk and write so much about? The answer is found in the beginning.
Creation was no accident. A universe as infinitely complex as ours requires an infinitely awesome Creator. And we learn in the Bible that our Creator God is absolutely pure and perfect – holy. This holy God created mankind. He loves you and I, and wants us to enter into a relationship with Him!
However, man sinned by disobeying God. Sin is anything that falls short of God’s perfect standard, making it impossible for us to draw near to Him.
Separated from God, man is unable to enjoy a lifetime of fellowship with Him. We try hard to close the gap between us and God. Morality. Religiosity. Charity. But all these are not enough.
Thankfully, the Gospel — or Good News — is that God has provided a way for man to be with Him again through a once-and-for-all sacrifice. Because of His love for us, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and pay the price for our sins.
When Jesus rose from the dead, he defeated sin and death, restoring the broken relationship we had with God. Thus a new life of meaning and purpose awaits. One that lasts forever. All we need to do is invite Jesus into our lives as our Lord and Saviour!
Thankfully, God doesn’t expect you to be perfect before you can approach Him. The Bible says if you believe that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved.
So if you are ready to accept Jesus into your life, one way to do that is by saying a simple prayer.
With this prayer, your name will be written in the Book of Life; God has a place reserved for you in heaven for eternity!
If you’ve prayed this prayer, we’d love to hear from you – drop us a line at hello@thir.st.
Welcome to God’s family!
There’s so much to gain from a lifetime of hearing from God and speaking with Him. Reading your Bible (God’s Word!) and prayer are the primary ways we can connect with God. We’ll guide you and give you a hand over at I’m a New Christian — you’ll be able to find resources for your new life.
Finally, family. The Bible tells us we need people around us to comfort us when we’re down, and challenge us to love and good deeds. That’s what God’s family is all about. A church provides this community, particularly through what we know as a “cell group” – a small group of like-minded believers we can journey with through life.
So get plugged in through Find A Church — a handy tool we’re building to help people in Singapore find a church that suits them. You can search for a church by location, language, age group, timing, or even specific requirements like wheelchair access or special needs.
The website is still in the beta, but you can go ahead to check it out. If you need any additional help, we’ll be more than pleased to sort you out. Just reach out to us here.