In life, there are pivotal moments that mark the beginning of a transformative journey. For me, that moment came in June 2022 when I received the prompting of the Lord to drop everything and relocate to Orlando, Florida to attend Christ for all Nation’s (CFAN) Evangelism Bootcamp in July 2023.
The CFAN Bootcamp turned out to be a journey that transcended mere education; it catalysed a profound shift within me and steered me towards a life dedicated to full-time evangelism.
More than a series of lectures, it was a place where hearts were stirred. It was a place where we received deep revelations of sonship that overflowed into knowing the Father’s heart for the nations.
Beyond classroom walls
The learning experience wasn’t confined to the sterile walls of a classroom. I was privileged to have been part of a vibrant tapestry of experiences that breathed life into my walk with God.
And it wasn’t just about acquiring knowledge — it was about stepping into a realm where theory met reality, equipping me for the unpredictable things of ministry.
From the practicalities of organising events to refining how we speak and preach, the Bootcamp provided a real-world understanding of what preaching the gospel to the nations really entails.
Preaching in a foreign environment can be uncomfortable.
In my moments of weakness, I have really learned what it means to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and to go forth in childlike faith.
Courage is not the absence of fear but the confrontation of fear. It’s a journey of repeated disobedience to fear. And the prayer closet has been my refuge.
On the streets, I have seen the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. Broken people, the homeless, grown men… they are all touched as the gospel reaches their ears. Preach Jesus and Jesus alone!
Community, not just contacts
Spending time with CFAN, I came to see that it wasn’t just about networking — it was about finding a community.
In the faces of fellow participants and the seasoned mentors, I discovered a support system that extended beyond the program’s duration. It was a network that felt more like a family, propelling me forward with encouragement.
I remembered reminiscing with a friend about how we both went from sitting beside each other in a classroom in Florida to sitting beside each other on a curb alongside the streets of Thailand.
At the end of the three months, I had to go to Uganda as part of the initiation trip to conclude the Bootcamp.
There, I understood what it meant when Peter preached to the crowd and 3,000 came to the Lord.
I understood what it meant to be walking in signs, wonders and miracles. The stories of the Bible came to life for me in Uganda!
Here’s one of my favourite testimonies from my diary about that time in Uganda:
“Day 18: Deaf ears and mouths open in Jesus’ name! Today, we saw a myriad of miracles. From swollen feet to private parts to headaches healed… we have seen the power of God in action. My highlight for today was seeing the deaf hear and the mute speak.
On the second outreach, there was a lady who chanced upon our outreach. She was mute and was not able to speak. After prayer, she was able to mumble some words after my friend. Everyone around her gasped! They testified that they had not heard her speak.
Following our leading, this lady tried her best to mumble the sinner’s prayer. In accordance, my teammate gave another salvation call after this testimony and we had another eleven documented decisions for Jesus! These eleven people came down in the midst of constructing a building to receive the Lord.”
Beyond the Bootcamp
On the day of graduation, I knew that getting the certificate wasn’t the end of a season but a start of a lifelong journey of evangelism. Beyond Bootcamp, I am still on the journey of bringing the gospel to the nations.
Recently, I went to an unreached nation that had less than 3% Christians. We brought the gospel to an unreached village there and many received Jesus. We got the villagers to repeat a prayer of healing and their village chief was healed by God from more than 10 years of knee pain.
“I want to set up a church in my village,” he said. The village chief was touched by God and wanted to bring Jesus to more people in his village. He will be connected and discipled by the local pastors. A church may be planted there soon!
“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” (Isaiah 61:1)
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
I believe that the signs, wonders and miracles I have seen on the streets of the nations can be found here in Singapore as well.
There are multitudes in our nation that have not yet heard the gospel. Now is the day of salvation! Now is the time for the gospel to flood the streets of Singapore.
So, if you have a desire to preach the gospel, a heart for the nations and you want a family of evangelists to run alongside you — CFAN’s Singapore Firecamp is for you. More details below.