I used to think that engineers had a life relatively free of “work politics”. After all, the stereotypes suggest engineers are shy, awkward and harmless, right? So fresh out of college, I...
Redeeming the time (kairos) because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16) Man’s days are evil — full of pain and laborious trouble. Yet in between the humdrum of life, God appoints kairos...
In the mundane day-to-day overload of work and school, busyness has established itself as a badge of honour. It is a carefully crafted connotation of “success” in a culture which...
Ahh, appraisal season. Doesn’t matter which end you’re on – whether you’re appraiser or appraisee – there’s one thing we can all agree on: We’re all happy when...
Yes you should! Right now! Obviously, you wouldn’t accept that as an answer. Not from me anyway – someone who hardly knows you. I struggled with that question more than a year ago. And I quit...
Some summers back I earned a highly coveted internship at a renowned design studio. It was like a dream come true – I really couldn’t have asked for more. Little did I know that it was going to...