
How God moved me to give up my business

When I first came to know God, it was not difficult for me to decide to follow Him. I was overwhelmingly grateful that He had saved me from my old life and forgave me of my sins. But a year after...

Finding Purpose

Ready to quit? Hear from someone who wanted to leave during her first year on the job

Have you ever wanted to quit your job because you felt underappreciated? That was what Joanne Lai, 36, experienced during her first year as a financial advisor. She was just starting out when a...

Finding Purpose

I am an overseas scholar… who has no job

In Singapore, getting a scholarship is seen as the thing. Sometimes, it may be seen as the only thing. Winning a coveted scholarship seemed to be the surefire way to security, prestige and a...

Finding Purpose

After 20 years of twists and turns, this is what I’ve learnt through my career

Having jumped into the corporate world from a young age, Samuel Chan is no stranger to the marketplace. Armed with over 20 years of working experience across various prestigious global companies, one...


Toxic workplace? How to become a “toxin handler” and make peace

As Christians colleagues or managers, we can “Bear one another’s burdens” at work (Galatians 6:2). In this next section*, I suggest some practical ways we can do this for colleagues who are...


Behind The Paycheque: Can gaming be a godly career?

Have you seen gamers rage? Cooped up in their rooms for hours at end? Flared up when things don’t go their way? It isn’t a stretch to say that the gaming community doesn’t have a...


Toxic workplace? Here’s what toxicity means and how to respond

What should we do if we experience injustice or ill treatment at work? First, we could reflect on our own actions. Find out from colleagues whom we can trust what they think about our situation or...


Toxic workplace? Choose between bitterness or intimacy with God

It is uncanny that as I share on this topic today, several friends of mine are experiencing abuse at work or toxic workplaces. “Toxic workplace” refers to conflicts, abuse or unhappiness at work....

Church Life

Female pastors: The strong women who are building the kingdom of God

Relatively speaking, female pastors are few and far between.  That it is why I thought it was really nice to hear the stories of Rev Peace Choi and Pastor Amadea Seow who were invited to speak...