At this month’s #ThirstYouthNight, we explored the topic of personal calling. At the Chapel of the Resurrection, we held an extended panel discussion on the pressures of pursuing conventional...
Last night, FOPx hosted their first ever Impossible Night. In a time of extended worship, teaching and ministry, preacher TYSHONE ROLAND shared about how God prepares us to fulfil our divine purpose...
I had neither planned nor considered going full-time. It was just never in my plan. I came to know God at 15 and started serving Him as a pastoral leader in the youth ministry at 17. I was a Life...
As a freshman undergraduate at SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business, I realise that many of my Christian friends experience a certain tension between their identity as a Christian and their identity...
Many people believe that success is the ultimate goal in life. Success, then, is often measured by things like material possessions, status and popularity. With these standards in mind, some...
About 15 years ago, I was considering a change in career for the first time. I had graduated over a year before from computer engineering and was working in IT, but I was not doing well. Having had a...
In Passion Week, Silent Saturday is a day that’s about waiting. Jesus lies silent in a tomb which is sealed up, the situation does not look good and everyone’s spirits are low. Though this took...
With more than 722,000 followers on Facebook alone, CHRISTINA MARY AUNG is a household name in Myanmar who shot to fame through her time on The X Factor Myanmar. Having embarked on the journey to...
It all began one day when my shoulder started hurting. At first I thought it was just a bad case of stiff neck, but it worsened to the point that I couldn’t turn my neck anymore. So I went to a...