Mental Health

I didn’t dare to let myself feel beautiful

All women desire to feel beautiful. Every day, we see hundreds of advertisements for skincare, make-up, clothes and slimming treatments. Even the Bible celebrates a woman’s beauty in passages such...


歌手Olivia Ong王俪婷的身份危机:我尽力了,但我还是被称为一张白纸

我七岁那年,有一次在电视上看到歌手Mariah Carey在三万多人面前现场演唱。表演结束后,大家都为她热烈地鼓掌。...


Struggles of being a disciple in the workplace

Many people have asked me how work has been since I transferred to the new hospital. It was just another way of saying “How are you?” Yet, I often found it difficult to give an answer. This was...

Money Matters

Budget 2019: Who can we open wide our hand to this year?

When we think of this significant speech that takes place around the same time every year, naturally we anticipate the goodies that will be given out. A hongbao is always welcome.  Delivered by...

Finding Purpose

Will you be a ‘yes’ man for the right reasons?

As life became exponentially more exhausting over the last 4 years, I went on a quest to streamline my calendar. In 2014, I was working five-and-a-half days a week (sometimes through the weekend at...

Finding Purpose

3 truths to cling to when you’re hit with challenges

Whenever we’re hit with challenges in life, we often expect our situation to improve and get better. I know that I often carry this hope into my prayers to God. I expect Him to intervene and...


Feeling like a fake in life

Have you ever felt like a fake or fraud in your workplace or school? Do you often think that you got to your current position by some mistake or fluke, and that one day someone will find out just how...

Finding Purpose

When you’re waiting for a job

I’ve recently graduated from university. And I’m still just an intern. While everyone else has settled into their new full-time jobs, my bitter self is working through the days with...


Feeling sian about work?

We spend more time at work – whether paid or unpaid – than at any other waking activity. If God cares about our lives, He must care about our work. No matter what your profession or occupation,...