Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose

3 truths to cling to when you’re hit with challenges

Whenever we’re hit with challenges in life, we often expect our situation to improve and get better. I know that I often carry this hope into my prayers to God. I expect Him to intervene and...

Finding Purpose

When you’re waiting for a job

I’ve recently graduated from university. And I’m still just an intern. While everyone else has settled into their new full-time jobs, my bitter self is working through the days with...


Feeling sian about work?

We spend more time at work – whether paid or unpaid – than at any other waking activity. If God cares about our lives, He must care about our work. No matter what your profession or occupation,...

Finding Purpose

Isaac Ong: I had a dream, then God gave me a voice

I find it very hard to answer when people ask me, “What’s your job?” I’ve been part of the chaplaincy team at St. Hilda’s Secondary School, part of the FOPx network, part of singing...


Have you ever called God a liar?

Have you ever called God a liar? I certainly have. That was when I finally had enough, and decided to stop trying to look like a good and obedient Christian. For the first time, I shouted in full...


Full-time under 30: The mission trip that changed my life

We featured Isaac in “Some save Batam: Taking the heart of Singapore beyond our shores”. I grew up in church. My mum and dad, and even grandparents were in church. But when I was 17 years...

Mental Health

The Valley

In light of Mental Health Awareness Month, we recreated John Bunyan’s 1678 classic “Pilgrim’s Progress”. Very much like Bunyan’s protagonist, Christian, we explore the...


To live is to die

It’s been a whirlwind month since switching jobs. I’ve worked past midnight on consecutive days, with to-do’s bleeding perniciously into the weekends. In the throes of this madness, I finally...


What I learnt from my internship

Around this time last year, I was looking around for internship opportunities to complete my diploma. I was hoping for an internship where I could not only expand my skillset, but also serve God in a...