

Blockchain technology: Can we really trust it?

We hear about blockchain technology more and more these days. So what is it? It operates on a shared ledger, which is a peer-to-peer system that can document and log data, transactions, digital...

Real Life, Real People

From rock star to PhD scholarship holder: A man’s search for the meaning of life

Trigger warning: This article contains mention of suicide. Growing up, I was sometimes bullied for being different. These experiences made me feel really small and very insecure about who I was. I...


Behind The Paycheque: Can gaming be a godly career?

Have you seen gamers rage? Cooped up in their rooms for hours at end? Flared up when things don’t go their way? It isn’t a stretch to say that the gaming community doesn’t have a...


Behind The Paycheque: Financial professionals share how faith and work intersect

Do money and faith go together? What about those who make a living from generating more wealth for others? In our brand new series, #BehindThePaycheque, we hear from professionals across different...


#PublishPeace: Let’s make 2022 the Year of Peace

The pandemic has disrupted many things about church life. Services, singing, cell group. But what worries me most: It feels like we’ve hit the pause button on the Great Commission. Evangelism has...


The Distance Between: What lengths would you go to for those you love?

It was in 2015 when a seed for the migrant worker community was planted in one young man’s heart. Ang Wei Ming was 19 when he went down to HealthServe as a volunteer with Singapore Youth for...

Mental Health

Men, it’s okay to cry

This International Men’s Day (Nov 19), hear from Awaken Generation‘s co-founder and head of mentoring Calvin Hong who imparts his wisdom on how masculinity doesn’t mean a lack of...

Real Life, Real People

#UnheardNarratives: Letters from survivors of sexual assault

TRIGGER WARNING This article contains content on sexual assault. A sexual assault may happen in an instance, but it can leave an indelible mark on someone’s life. What can also add to the pain...

Real Life, Real People

#UnheardNarratives: Christians with same-sex attraction share their experiences in church

While sexuality issues used to be pretty taboo within our churches, it’s encouraging to know that there are more and more conversations being had. But how are we faring thus far? We find out in...