

What I got out of four years in university

No amount of words can encapsulate the feeling I possess in this very moment. I am joyful that I am at the end of my undergraduate life. But I also feel some degree of regret as there are things I...


3 things I wish I knew before starting university

It’s that time of the year again – university term is starting. Some of you are beginning a 3 to 4 year journey of college education, for the rest, it’s a brand new semester. Well,...

Studies & NS

Is cheating in a quiz an insignificant sin?

I recently cheated in a quiz. There are many who would say that’s “trivial”, especially given that the quiz only accounted for 5% of my grade – but I still felt horrible...

Studies & NS

A divine exchange: Lessons from my semester abroad

Student exchanges are school programs which allow for undergraduates to spend a semester overseas in a partner university. Exchange is something most university students look forward to. After all,...

Studies & NS

University students, come and Carry The Love

Carry the Love 2017 (CTL) is a prayer worship tour set to be held across five universities in Singapore, organised by students from various universities, churches and fellowship groups with the...

Studies & NS

“I felt like the dumbest student in school”

I grew up in a family where I was always taught that “character is more important than how well you do in school”. My parents never pressured me to get straight As. They were okay with...

Studies & NS

The real reason you’re in school

What’s the big deal about entering university? I mean, most of us been through 12 or more years in the Singapore education system – isn’t college just an extension of the journey as a...

Finding Purpose

I’m right where I should be

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew...


Where is God in your job search?

We all have a picture of what success in life would look like. There are typical templates. Wealth and riches, prestige, a blissful relationship, a loving family. It was no different for me. I wanted...