
Surveys & Reports

CAMPUS COMBINED: What one night of prayer can do for a generation

Would you be willing to lay down your life for this generation? It was a call from Heaven that shook up Ivan Tan’s world, right in the middle of his fast track to success as a financial...

Studies & NS

When project work isn’t working out

Working in groups has never been my thing, mainly because group work forces people to work together. That means a lot more reliance on one another. Time invested in communicating with fellow group...

Studies & NS

What’s the point of school?

In the past month I feel like God has been taking me on a journey of discovering what it truly means to honour Him as a student. Do I need to study harder, for longer hours? Do I need to give more...


Honestly, how do you feel about work?

In the mundane day-to-day overload of work and school, busyness has established itself as a badge of honour. It is a carefully crafted connotation of “success” in a culture which...

Mental Health

Studies, stress and suicide

The number of teenage suicides in Singapore is on the rise. Twenty-seven Singaporeans aged 10 to 19 killed themselves in 2015 –a 15-year high, and twice as many as the year before....

Studies & NS

Which would you choose: God or your grades?

For five days in a week you take on the role of student, and simply want to do your best in school. But you’re a weekend warrior for Christ. You serve in Church and believe in giving up your free...

Studies & NS

So, you think you have NO talent at all?

To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made...


The problem with PSLE results

The problem with PSLE results is that for every satisfied child, you have another told he’s not good enough. The problem with PSLE results is you put a pricetag on a child who is priceless in...