
Lessons on womanhood from my mother

I’m at a time in my life where I’m figuring out for myself what it means to be a woman — and one who is after God’s heart. Topics like being a girlfriend and eventually becoming...


The longest LDR you’ll ever be in

Have you ever felt that a relationship with God is hard to maintain? Like, you know you should be reading the Bible regularly, praying before you sleep at night … But admit it: You...


When your friends walk away from good advice

Imagine this: Your friend is in a bad place. After countless hours of counselling and sharing godly wisdom with them on how they can walk in the opposite direction of further hurt and disappointment,...


How will you spend yourself this year?

If you haven’t heard it enough, welcome to 2018. I hope it’s been a good first few days for you. There’s a fixed “budget” when it comes to days: We have only 365 each...


A more mature love

Like every young person,  I used to get indignant over the idea of losing your passion as you get older, enter the workforce, and so on and so forth as the years go by. Especially when it came to...


To my friends this Christmas: Your presence has made all the difference

Reflecting on the year as it comes to a close, I see myself still walking on the road to recovery from the great hurt in my life. I was asking myself typical strength-based questions that...


Am I still significant without a significant other?

Names have been changed for privacy. Several years back, a girl called Stephanie and I worked together on a children’s camp for Church. Having only just moved on from a broken heart not too while...


The God of irreconcilable differences

There is no way we can save this. No hope that we’ll ever work out our problems. We’re too different. Too far gone. We just have to accept it as irretrievable. Unfixable. One too many...


That forever kind of love

What is love? To be loved but not feel loved. Is that still love? Most of us love only in our own definition of love, the way we personally receive and understand love to look like. We speak...