It always seemed to me like the most natural thing to marry and have children. In fact, some women seemed to get pregnant with such little effort that I assumed I would have a similar experience when...
A couple of years ago, I posted my thoughts online on the issue of how a “family” is defined. I explained that there were essentially two views of “family” competing in the modern world....
I almost hate looking at reenactments of what Jesus went through on Calvary. It’s extremely disconcerting to consider that this was real life, that the “2000 years ago” we casually refer to...
While I’ve been single for most of my life, I’ve been infatuated with numerous women before. Now because some of these women weren’t Christian, I was tempted to ask God, “So...
Prayer wasn’t always close to my heart. The logic I lived by for quite some time was that since God knows everything already, why bother saying so much? It wasn’t until I began praying...
For most of my life I couldn’t stop comparing myself to others. Is he smarter than me? Is she prettier than me? Does she have more friends than I do? Sounds normal and innocent enough, but I ended...
Did you know that the term “going steady” originated in the 1950s, where it referred to a couple that was ready to commit to a marriage? Today, “going steady” takes a looser...
Though Annie and I had only met a year ago, we became best friends in no time. Not only were we in the same group of friends in the same CCA – we also attended the same church and cell. We...
When I sit across the table from someone going through the process of divorce, or whose parents are considering a divorce, it’s hard to find the right words to say. “You can’t tell me what to...