
How I walked away from the perfect person

He was the best I ever had. Everything I ever wanted. I’d met him in freshman year at college; he was a senior leader, I was pageant queen. The boys had always loved me, but he wasn’t just...


I made a mess out of love

We both loved art. It was our way of turning our backs on a world that never accepted us. Experimentation was in my blood as an artist, and so was rebellion. And growing up in an all-girls school,...


Christian and bisexual?

“So when was the first time you were attracted to someone of the same sex?” “In primary school. I was seven.” As the words left my mouth, I saw a look of disappointment and shock flash across...


When a friendship crosses boundaries

I remember the first time I fell in love. It was more than just the cheap euphoria of physical attraction, this time there was a connection on a deep level. I never felt as understood by anyone else...


What role does the Church play in their churchgoers’ love lives?

One of the chapters in a book I was reading recently, The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller, talked about singleness and marriage. One of the passages he mentioned briefly was 1 Corinthians 7....


The three Cs of compatibility

“Wait,” I found myself saying. He was about to board the train when he stopped in his tracks and looked at me expectantly. I parted my lips to tell him what was on my heart but not a sound came...


My parents don’t talk any more

“How are your parents?” That was the question my friend asked me, as we sat in a ramen shop after wrapping up our worship training overseas. She had just shared with me about her family; she was...


Does my dad deserve a Father’s Day?

When I was growing up, Father’s Day wasn’t even invented yet – not to me anyway. And I probably would have resisted the idea of it had I known about it then. Not much to celebrate, I...


My dad loved me in his own language, even when I couldn’t understand it

On my study table is an old postcard that was sent from Holland. It was addressed to me 25 years ago, when I had barely learned to talk and was left in the care of some relatives. My mum and dad were...