
Did Joshua Harris just kiss marriage goodbye?

If you haven’t already heard: Joshua Harris, author of dating bestseller I Kissed Dating Goodbye, has split from his wife after 19 years of marriage. I remember his book being widely...

Mental Health

In the wake of my mother’s passing, I hid my grief away

“Your mother was highly successful. A scholar. By the time she was your age, she was giving tuition to multiple children, holding a part-time job and supporting her sister’s university...


Men united: Why guys should never walk alone

What challenges do young men in the church face? When guys join the workforce after NS, university or poly, they’re often not prepared for the worldliness that threatens to consume them. I call it...


My unhealthy relationship nearly destroyed me – here’s how God brought me out of it

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you kinda knew wasn’t good for you, optimistically hoping that you or God could change that person? I was there once. With hindsight, I can say...


When does being vulnerable become too much?

“Is it wrong that I share about my struggles on Instagram Stories? It’s only 24 hours what. Just venting mah.” “I don’t know how much to share.” “If I don’t share enough, people would...

Church Life

3 ways cell leaders can inflict hurt

After becoming a cell leader, I’ve come to understand just how tough it is. It requires you to be a friend, a mentor, a shepherd, a listener, an advisor… all while balancing administrative...


Not every courtship works out – and that’s okay

In late 2018, I met Ryan* whom I thought would be “the one”. The more I got to know him, the more I grew fond of him because everything seemed “fitting”. We decided to spend the next three...


Happily ever after

A few days ago, I was talking to my girls about why we humans like to collect things. The things we collect can range from small items like stuffed animals and toys to bigger items like cars, houses...


What God has put together

Over the weekend, I got married. The day passed in a whirl, but the first phrase I heard after being pronounced a wife was this: “What God has put together, let no man separate.” (Matthew 19:6,...