In my unconventional relationship with my mum, I’ve faced constant disappointment, annoyance, anger and absolute exhaustion. Her mental illness leads her to burst out in random spurts of anger...
In a generation where grand and lavish weddings easily become the talk of the town, newlyweds Abraham Yeo, 37, and Peng Cheng Yu, 24, recently garnered attention for a refreshingly different reason....
Bruce and I have been close friends for over a decade. My journey with Bruce’s struggle with depression and anxiety started around 2010. We had just completed our National Service and came to a...
The cell group saw some debate last week over whether guys and girls should swim together. To help us jump right in, I’ll summarise. There were two schools of thought in the discussion. The first...
“Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” (Ephesians 4:26b) This verse was close to our hearts as my husband and I went through pre-marital counselling. We promised each other...
The news is out: Emma Watson no longer identifies as “single” but “self-partnered” instead. In a recent interview with British Vogue, the 29-year-old actress, famous for her...
I’ve been single for a long time. By God’s grace, I’m in a good place with regards to my singlehood, but it’s not always easy. Our joy and fulfilment is in having an intimate,...
I’ve attempted to change someone for years. I know how tiring it is, having relentlessly tried ways and means to make him believe in my goodwill. I’ve tried umpteen times to convince and...
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) In His Kingdom, God graciously gives us a community of friends. He...