After overcoming a teenage pregnancy, surviving a fatal car accident and pulling through a pregnancy loss, Sarah X. Miracle, previously known as Sarah Cheng-De Winne, desires to use her musical...
The story of how Isaac met Rebekah in Genesis 24 is a classic story of romance and love worthy of a K-drama. Abraham was on the verge of promotion to heaven. So, he summoned his trusted servant and...
Planning for our wedding and searching for a house in the midst of COVID-19 has been extremely stressful. We initially planned for a large-scale church and banquet wedding. However, we were worried...
Ken Tan and Angel Lee dated for 4 years before deciding to commit to marriage. Sharing about the impact that our broken families can have on our relationships, they talk about their journey from...
When we think of the word “freedom”, many of us think of the ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want. But for Jennifer Heng, keynote speaker at young women’s conference, Not Gonna...
Recently I listened to a sermon titled “The Key in the Passover“. My pastor didn’t reveal what the key was for more than half the sermon, detailing instead God’s instructions in...
WARNING: SPOILERS UP TO EPISODE 12 (Any plot twists thereafter are not accounted for!) What happens when your deepest, darkest secret is brought to light? In the ongoing suspense thriller K-drama...
Living a double life as a dentistry graduate student by day and promiscuous drug addict by night, Dr Christopher Yuan was peddling drugs – even to his professor – to support his habit. “Three...
When I was 15 years old, a pastor shared with me that in marriage, the feeling of being in love is not key – rather, it is kindness and forgiveness. After 8 years of marriage, I can testify that...