Dating is fun. There’s no doubt about it. Especially in the early days as you’re getting to know each other, through a flurry of text messages, café and movie dates, or a stroll in the park or...
While sexuality issues used to be pretty taboo within our churches, it’s encouraging to know that there are more and more conversations being had. But how are we faring thus far? We find out in...
A seemingly natural, straightforward, joyful experience that so many others easily celebrate and at times casually joke about, became a clinical, drawn-out and painful journey for us. Needles, vials...
When it comes to romantic love, many of us would have favourite verses from the Bible. But I’d wager that 2 Corinthians 6:14 wouldn’t be one of them. For those of us who develop feelings...
A marriage involves two people, but a divorce can involve a lot more if you think about the families affected. In episode three of our new series, Unheard Narratives, we hear from children of...
Breakups are not easy to handle, much less in church where everyone knows everyone. So how should one react to a breakup? And why are breakups such a taboo topic anyway? For episode one of our new...
I have never been a popular girl. There have been many times when I would wonder: Why am I not invited to so and so’s wedding? Why am I never in someone’s “close friends” clique? Could it be...
The date is 16 July 2019, 8.45 pm. I was supposed to leave 15 minutes ago. I needed to head back to camp if I was going to make it for last parade at 2130 hours. But here I was, telling Julia that I...
In his 2021 National Day Rally speech, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong highlighted Roslina Toh’s effort in mobilising 200 volunteers to organise food and shelter for stranded Malaysian workers...