

Why do I still love even when it hurts?

There are two things I’ve always been frustrated with God about, especially on bad days. The first – why do I always seem to be in the wrong place? And the second – how many times have I...


How to love without burning out

Recently I had a conversation with a cell member about what the limits to love are. We hear and learn time and time again, that God’s love is unconditional, sacrificial, intentional and many...


The math of friendships

Loneliness. Sometimes you feel it in the pit of your stomach, other times it creeps up like an ache in your soul. It can sometimes feel too much like a part of you – a pain that has no cure. But...


The best lessons I learnt in school

It’s funny how time flies, within a blink of an eye, I am now Year 3 in a school that I still struggle to fully understand. I mean, one moment you’re walking into your very first lecture, the...


Confessions of a former bully

I was quite the manipulator as a kid. I remember manipulating my cousins to turn against another cousin of mine, Angela. Angela was a very sweet girl, soft-spoken gentle and easygoing … But I...


Are your friends only from Church?

I wasn’t born a Christian, so I experienced certain difficulties with my friendships when I first came to Christ. I remember the first time I told my friends about my decision. I was nervous and...


In trying to be a friend, I let myself be emotionally manipulated

I grew up with love stories. When I was younger, it was about how true love made a mermaid abandon her home for a prince.  When I was older, it was the Korean dramas which showed how true love...


Are you fighting with a friend?

For two years, I’ve been embroiled in a terrible fight with a good friend. It’s a long story, but the crux of it was that greatly hurtful words were ultimately said after months of...


To my friends this Christmas: Your presence has made all the difference

Reflecting on the year as it comes to a close, I see myself still walking on the road to recovery from the great hurt in my life. I was asking myself typical strength-based questions that...