
How-tos & Handles

How do we share our views on same-sex attraction in a loving way?

Our intentions may be good, but they may not always come out in the best way. Sharing what it’s like to receive well-meaning advice from Christians, Dr Christopher Yuan recommends better ways to...


Friendzone: A call to be more than just neighbours

Would you think of asking a neighbour if you wanted to borrow a milk frother? Or what if you wanted to order a cake that you know you couldn’t finish alone?  I have to admit that as a millennial,...


Can guys and girls be “just friends”?

I wouldn’t call myself a tomboy, but I’m admittedly a girl who has a lot of guy friends. Growing up, I found guys easier to talk to than girls. The habit stuck and close friendships with...


When my wounds become gifts to others

We often wish to present the best sides of ourselves. Who enjoys showing others our wounds and scars?  After all, struggles in life are not trophies to be paraded. We prefer to keep our dark areas...


Salvom, my friend from Chennai

As Singapore grapples with the ballooning outbreak in migrant worker dormitories, we’ve been given a rude awakening to the kind of dilapidated conditions and inequalities our migrant workers...


What am I worth if I can’t keep my friendships?

When I was very young, my parents parted ways. Though my mum remarried, I still never got to experience what growing up in a stable family is like. Essentially, I’ve never had parental figures...


10 ways to build an intentional friendship

Throughout the circuit breaker, I’ve grown more comfortable being by myself. As I become more absorbed into my own personal space, finishing my tasks for the day and switching off with Netflix,...


Introvert: I’m still affected by social distancing

When I first heard the phrase “social-distancing”, it didn’t sound too uphill a task. Staying out of crowded places, standing 2 metres from another person and not gathering in groups – that...


5 tips to rekindle friendships

As we go through different stages of life — entering college, changing jobs, or just growing busy from changing responsibilities — we sometimes lose touch with old friends. Though it is normal...