Real Life, Real People

Be inspired by these ordinary people who have extraordinary stories. Wherever you are in life, every story in here is sure to give you hope!

Real Life, Real People

Women hooked on porn: Not just a men’s problem

“That’s the day I gave up.” She had been waiting for someone to find out about her habit of watching pornography, so that she could get help. She just needed someone to ask her:...


Overcoming 16 years of severe eczema

I’m 18 this year and I have had eczema since I was 3 months old.  It started with patches on my back, slowly spreading all over my body from my scalp to the bottom of my feet. Doing basic...

Life & Death

Unwed, pregnant and headed for Harvard – I thought the choice was clear

He was my best friend. We had known each other for five years. At that time, both of us were the most senior Ph.D students in the laboratory. We started a secret relationship without the knowledge of...


I am a Pastor’s Wife: The good women beside the men

This might be a picture that has been painted of a pastor’s wife: Sitting quietly beside her husband in the front row at church service, usually with the kids in tow (and in check). They are...


歌手Olivia Ong王俪婷的身份危机:我尽力了,但我还是被称为一张白纸

我七岁那年,有一次在电视上看到歌手Mariah Carey在三万多人面前现场演唱。表演结束后,大家都为她热烈地鼓掌。...


Struggles of being a disciple in the workplace

Many people have asked me how work has been since I transferred to the new hospital. It was just another way of saying “How are you?” Yet, I often found it difficult to give an answer. This was...


A young woman’s journey out of sexual trauma and brokenness

My family used to be tight-knitted when I was younger, and I was especially close to my father. We would attend church services together every Sunday and do family activities on every other day. It...

Life & Death

Praying for the dying

It was 2017, the day after Christmas. The team had gathered at my place for lunch, and we were in the midst of playing a game when my phone suddenly rang. It was my friend Aaron’s...


I waited 11 years to be water baptised

I wasn’t born into a Christian family. I’ve never had my parents lead me in worship, or devotions or Bible reading. And I’ve never had the luxury of going to church with my family. When I...