How-tos & Handles

Struggling to get to grips with a particular issue in life? Peep the tips within — these practical guides are meant to help you to make sense and make moves.


What I learnt from my friends with special needs

All names in this article have been changed to protect the identities of those in the special needs ministry. I’ve been helping out in a special needs ministry for about 2.5 years now, a...


Welcoming others into the church family

I was at a planning meeting for small group evangelism recently when someone posed the question of integrating new believers into the main church community. After all, she reasoned, even with...


You’re 50 shades of blue, what can I do?

In 2009, I visited a friend in hospital for the “blues”. I was 17 years old and stood at the door clutching a bunch of flowers, not quite comprehending what had just happened. In 2015, I...

I'm a New Christian

How should we read the Bible?

Twenty-nine years ago this month, I received the best present I’ve ever received. I was 8 years old then and I still have it today. If you can’t make out the date in the picture above, my...

How-tos & Handles

I don’t like somebody in church, what now?

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave...


Should couples travel together?

“Yes, I would go overseas with my boyfriend or girlfriend – even if it means we would be tempted sexually.” That’s how 36% of young adult Christians in Singapore...

How-tos & Handles

How do you know when to quit?

Today’s millennials have been labelled “The Strawberry Generation” – one that cannot withstand excessive pressure or hard work and, like strawberries, “bruise” easily. Compared to the...


The art of being single

Single. Though there are plenty of us out there, the word itself conveys – inaccurately, I might add – the inevitable notion that we are alone in our singleness. It doesn’t help that every...


How to create a safer church community for people with same-sex attraction

I’ve been a Christian for 24 years – and lived with same-sex desires for nearly 20 of them. A few years ago, the Lord convicted my heart that it was not part of His will for me to act on...