#StayHome and do what? Here’s a list of ideas to spend your screen time wisely

The temptation to turn to less wholesome content is real when you’re left to your own devices (literally).ย  As Matthew 6:22 says: “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are...

Real Life, Real People

Heartbreak, loss and COVID-19: I am Case 74 and this is my story

I struggled with the decision to publish this story because the shame was overbearing. It felt like the ultimate denial of myself. The last few months, however, have taught me how to let go of many...


COVID-19: 4 amazing ways God is working in this season

The past two months have been a trying time for the world, with the global outbreak of COVID-19. It is no different in Singapore, where many of us are affected one way or another. For the ordinary...


NCCS letter to the Church: A time of adversity, a time of opportunity

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We live in unprecedented times. COVID-19 is now a global pandemic, and its effects are...

Studies & NS

When COVID-19 hit our schools: A lesson on beating bitterness

When the news reached my inbox, I felt angry. I replied the emails with my concerns, thinking that they would fall on deaf ears. โ€œThe senior leadership probably only cares about the reputation of...

Do Good

Malaysia lockdown: Why I reached out to rough sleepers at Kranji

โ€œWould you want to sleep in the rain amidst the bustle of the city tonight?โ€ That was the question that plummeted onto my head when I read the news. I then realised that loving others as yourself...


What quarantine reveals about your heart

Idleness has a way of revealing our idols. The copious amounts of free time brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, coupled with increased anxiety, will drive you towards comforts you find...

Mental Health

Finding it hard to stay home? 5 tips for positive mental health while social distancing

I’m not sure about you, but social distancing spells the complete opposite of what I’m used to. Being an extrovert, my schedule is usually packed with meeting people. But as the COVID-19...


Not allowed to meet your church friends? Youth pastors share handles on sticky family conversations

As all worship services in churches will be suspended from today until April 30, small groups have become the main source of fellowship for many. However, some of you might have parents who...