When COVID-19 disrupted my life

โ€œThe staffroom has been asking after you! How have you been in such messed up times?โ€ That was what my ex-colleague recently asked me, out of concern at my seeming lack of a career. For around...


Vacation deprived? Now’s a good time to unpack our wanderlust

Spend any amount of time with friends in conversation or on social media, and one topic’s bound to come up: travel. You can see it in the #throwback posts and pictures of exotic locales. You...


From fear to faith: My journey of serving in a COVID-19 ICU

It was about a week before the first COVID-19 case in Singapore, when my nurse manager assigned me to be part of the COVID-19 ICU nursing team in Singapore General Hospital. It was the first such...

Church Life

Back once again in the valley of decision: Online or onsite?

Back in February, we published an article, COVID-19 and the valley of decision: The unbearable pressure your Senior Pastor is under, in which we detailed the thought process a church leader faced...


Amidst a pandemic, we struggled to plan our wedding and find a flat

Planning for our wedding and searching for a house in the midst of COVID-19 has been extremely stressful.ย  We initially planned for a large-scale church and banquet wedding. However, we were worried...


Working from home or shirking from home?

It has been about 241 days since Iโ€™ve started working from home. I donโ€™t know about you, but I started off pretty determined and motivated. I would wake up at 8am and be fresh and ready for work...

Church Life

House churches: What may be new to us is normal for them

While COVID-19 has disrupted the way we do church, it is a good practice drill for us to prepare for the possibility that one day, we might no longer be able to gather in large congregations. After...

Church Life

Is it time to return to the heart of worship?

Your church may have restarted physical gatherings or may soon be about to. With some churches already a few weeks into this uncomfortable experience โ€“ no singing, mask-wearing, spaced-out seating...

Church Life

Buckle up as this church walks you through their “new” physical service

Ever seen COVID-19 precautionary measures presented in an airline safety video format?ย  As places of worship in Singapore slowly resume physical services, one church has decided to put a creative...