In every corner of the world, the coronavirus has contributed to death, isolation, economic hardship, rampant fear and widening cracks in existing social issues. Just today, we received reports that...
In light of the struggles our migrant worker brothers and sisters have been facing, especially in recent months owing to COVID-19, I wanted to find out more about what is being done to serve them in...
Finals are over, but perhaps for the first time ever, a sense of dread rather than anticipation overtakes you. You’ve yet to secure a job and you may even be laden with outstanding school fees. To...
During the circuit breaker, I decided to cook all my meals to save money. Big disclaimer: Prior to this, I had never seriously dabbled in the culinary arts before, apart from the occasional burnt...
You can also click here to access the survey in a separate window. Rest assured that your personal data or IP details are not collected in the survey. Thank you! This survey is a follow-up from our...
It’s been more than a month since UK churches started the ball rolling with their cover of The Blessing – a song you must have heard at least one version of by now. The global hit was written...
In Phase 2 of the nation’s reopening, religious services of up to 50 people will be able to resume with stringent safe measures in place, including the omission of singing, announced the...
Our passport – the most useless thing in 2020. You might have scrolled past this post on your feed and thoroughly agreed with a rueful half-laugh. So what if Singaporeans have the most powerful...
For the past few months, we have faced a constant stream of news. From the chatter on social media platforms to WhatsApp messages on the COVID-19 pandemic, all the images and stories can leave one...