What is our role in society? How do we contribute? How do we give back? Participating in a discussion about faith, community and leadership during impossible413‘s live Instagram broadcast on...
During the circuit breaker, I’ve recognised a major personal flaw: I am a restless person. I attribute it to my “Singaporean-ness“. We are always looking for things to do, even...
Of the Christian spiritual giants that left us recently, none had more impact on my life than Ravi Zacharias. About a decade ago, I was watching some Christian videos on YouTube when I came across...
That that’s the number one question that’s been going around lately, especially since the circuit breaker is coming to a close. I’ve heard some of my friends’ answers, and...
For many, a usual day in the circuit breaker would probably consist of spending time at home or going to the supermarket to run errands. But not for Samuel Lim. It all began on a Saturday, a few days...
Burdened by the homeless and low-income families who have taken an even harder hit during these trying times, these three individuals decided to do something about it. Whether it was launching a...
As Singapore grapples with the ballooning outbreak in migrant worker dormitories, we’ve been given a rude awakening to the kind of dilapidated conditions and inequalities our migrant workers...
This is the instruction that we are given every day since the start of this terrible COVID-19 pandemic. Washing our hands is one of the important actions that all of us must strictly observe to stem...
Youths aged 18-25 fared the worst in emotional health during the Circuit Breaker, according to findings from our recent survey which aimed to understand how Christians in Singapore are coping with...