Money Matters

What am I chasing in life?

In a group of 6 successful and high-flying friends, I am the one who went a different way. I just don’t think I got the memo growing up: They went into the good classes, I was in the worst one....

Church Life

Is it time to return to the heart of worship?

Your church may have restarted physical gatherings or may soon be about to. With some churches already a few weeks into this uncomfortable experience – no singing, mask-wearing, spaced-out seating...

Church Life

Buckle up as this church walks you through their “new” physical service

Ever seen COVID-19 precautionary measures presented in an airline safety video format?  As places of worship in Singapore slowly resume physical services, one church has decided to put a creative...

Church Life

Coming home to church after 6 months, it really blew me away

Last week, I went back to church for the first time in nearly half a year with my wife, Cheryl. We did it because we’ve been wanting to build up a bit of discipline in our lives and thought...

Real Life, Real People

What I learnt as a young teacher: The tender-hearted discipline master who made a difference

Pastor Low Kok Guan graduated from computer engineering, but made a switch to teaching after 7 years in the IT sector. In the 10 years that he taught in primary school, he had the privilege to serve...

Church Life

Is your ministry your identity?

Growing up, I stepped into leadership too quickly which hampered my relationship with God. I was not grounded in the Bible, lacked prayer and indeed a love for God. However, I quickly accepted and...


The verse that taught me humility

So many times I feel pride coursing through my veins. This wasn’t the running theme of my life – not that I knew of – until 2 months ago when the circuit breaker bombshell fell on us all and I...

Do Good

“Today, they are our friends!” How a ground-up initiative to bless migrant workers was birthed

“If you love me, feed my sheep!” These words (John 21:17) reverberated in Figin Seng’s mind as she read about the plight of Singapore’s migrant workers earlier this year. With the sudden...


30 years in full-time ministry: Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong shares about calling, provision and going the distance

I was born again at the age of 16, but I wasn’t a serious Christian then. I had one foot in the world and one foot out of the world.  During my basic military training, my father died suddenly of...