
Can Satan stand before God and accuse us as he did in Job?

No, he cannot. When did Satan lose his ability to speak in God’s presence? The book of Revelation is mostly end times-prophetic. Some may argue it prophesies about a time future to John, but now in...


Judges: Hard truths from harder-to-read chapters

Recently, my church went through a sermon series on the book of Judges. It’s a book that many Christians understandably find uncomfortable with at times, one that they may even be confused by....


Struggling with self-worth all my life, I found acceptance in Jesus

Why do You want me? This was a question that I always asked God. His answer to that question, though, was always the same: “Because I love you.” Self-worth has always been something that I...


4 ways we can see God in everyday life

I often go through moments during the day when I forget that God’s here with me, and it often happens when I’m doing “secular” activities — work, chores, hobbies. One of my hobbies is...


Are we trapping ourselves by labelling everything?

“I have no appetite… I think I’m depressed.” “I can’t stand the room being so messy… maybe I have OCD.” “This guy always fidgets around when people talk… maybe he...


What the paiseh piece taught me about prayer

The last xiao long bao grew cold as we chattered in the hawker centre, none of us making a move towards our chopsticks. It’s the moment we’re all familiar with. And it happens at wedding...


The Thirst Collective reads… Judges

Through 2024, every member of the Thirst Collective – Thir.st, Salt&Light, Stories of Hope, 还好吗 hhm.sg, Living Room, Collective Studio – has committed to reading the Bible from cover to...


I once thought my parents could never be saved. Ten years later, I baptised them together

As a primary school kid, I enjoyed browsing toy stores. But my mum’s response was always, “Time to go already. Daddy and mummy no money. Maybe next time we’ll buy for you,...

Church Life

Serving in church: 4 ways we are transformed

Why is serving in church always so hard and painful? This is a question that I sometimes ask myself as I serve in church. I don’t think I am someone who is talented in a specific area. When it...