As part of the Revival 1972 series, we’ve featured church leaders who experienced the inception of the Charismatic Renewal, as well as the generation that came after them. Following on from...
From young, I had always believed that all religions are the same, that doing good is all that matters. But I began to rethink everything when my best friend Adrian decided to question my beliefs....
Here is my definition of spiritual mentoring: “Spiritual mentoring is an intentional, relational process for spiritual formation by which one person becomes a spiritual guide for one or several...
I went to Madrid for my exchange from December 2019 to March 2020. Initially, I applied for exchange with three friends, but everyone ended up going to different parts of Europe. I was so scared to...
We’re about to hear from Rev Tan Soo-Inn on mentorship in this two-part article on mentoring. But first, how do such mentoring arrangements look like in real life? To get glimpses of this...
Rev Jonathan Wong was 6 years old when his father, the late Canon James Wong, was assigned to oversee the English congregation at the Church of the Good Shepherd. More significantly, this was also...
I wouldn’t call myself a patriotic person. Sure, I may know most National Day Parade (NDP) songs by heart, but there isn’t some flame alight in me for Singapore. Even saying “I love...
For the first time since the pandemic began, thousands of believers gathered in-person for worship and intercession at this year’s Day of His Power (DOHP). In the past two years, the cap on...
When I was 15, my route back from school always involved alighting at a bus stop, before winding past a few houses back to my apartment. There was a house under construction then, and on the daily...